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Onboard The Canadian

The train ride from Toronto across Canada to Vancouver is a three day trip. The scenery provided by Mother Nature is very varied. Lots of flat land, LOTS of trees, lots of ponds that appear to have no inlet or outlet, hills, and the Canadian Rockies.

Onboard The Canadian

31 hours after departing Toronto the train arrives in Winnipeg, Manatoba.
Winipeg Winipeg

47 hours after departing Toronto the train arrives in Edmonton.

53 hours from Toronto the train arrives in Jasper where it stops for a hour.
Jasper Jasper

The Canadian Rockies around Jasper

The Canadian Rockies around Jasper, Alberta are hard to describe. These pictures cannot capture the splendor of Mother Nature's creation. If you have the opportunity to visit Alberta don't hesitate to go there. I was so taken by what I saw I was slow to get back to the train station and the train almost left without me.
Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies
Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies
Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies
Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies
Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies
Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies
Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies
Vistadome at dawn

Panoramic shots of the Canadian Rockies seen in Jasper

These panoramic photos of the Canadian Rockies around Jasper, Alberta do a better job at illustrating the beauty of the mountains than the other photos I had on display, but they still do not capture the raw excitement generated by being surrounded by these peaks.

These first two photos are the same shot. The first one is smaller than the second one. The last photo is also very large. If you have a slow network connection or a small monitor you may want to look at just the first photo.
Canadian Rockies Canadian Rockies
Canadian Rockies

©2002,2006 John Simakauskas
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